#1: One To Watch

Director, Molly Burdett

Molly is an award winning director and photographer based in London signed to the production company Spindle. Her work has been described as soulful and emotional, telling honest stories across music videos, film and photography. 

Her film ‘Have A Word’ for the Mayor Of London went viral, receiving over 307 million reaches. ‘Have A Word‘ won a Glass Lion award at Cannes Lions 2022 and two silvers at Cannes for ‘Best Commercial’ and ‘Best Charity Commercial’ as well as ‘The Impact Award’ at the British Arrows 23. She was awarded the Frank Budgen award for Best Director at The British Arrows 2023 and was included in the top 10 best directors televisual list in the same year.

We loved having Molly on the podcast. Here are some of our favourite soundbites.

“When I started…because I had this collaboration with Arlo (Parks) and didn’t really have to pitch that much. I was like, this is great! And then I started pitching on other music videos…and realised it was a completely different process.”

“In the process leading up to the shoot. I was just taking in little nuggets of information. I went to the corner shop once to get lunch and a guy said something really weird to me…and I was just like…right, that’s going in”

“You’ve just got to be confident in what you’ve done and…at that point it’s finished and the only thing you can do is chuck it out there and see what happens”


#2: Staying Relevant | Director, Bugsy Steel